Feb 2, 2025
This Biblical meditation is a Bible reading of Psalms 29, 30 and 31. After prayer and relaxation, meditate on God’s word as you listen to these Psalms.
Bible translation from the Open English Bible, available at https://openenglishbible.org/oeb/2020.2/read/b019.html.
This Bible relaxation begins with identifying the...
Dec 27, 2023
A calm and relaxing Bible reading of Psalms 25 through 28. This Christian relaxation script includes just brief relaxation and prayer followed by a reading of these Psalms from the Bible so you can meditate on the word of God.
Bible translation from the Open English Bible, available at
Jul 3, 2023
Today’s relaxation script is a Bible reading of Psalms 23 and 24. Relax as you meditate on God’s word.
Bible translation from the Open English Bible, available at https://openenglishbible.org/oeb/2020.2/read/b019.html.
Thank you for listening to Relaxation Audio with Candi. You can find more peaceful relaxation...
Sep 28, 2022
Biblical meditation on Psalm 22. This relaxing Bible reading of Psalm 22 follows this Psalm’s path from despair to hope.
Bible translation from the Open English Bible, available at https://openenglishbible.org/oeb/2020.2/read/b019.html.
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Jul 25, 2022
Biblical meditation on Psalm 20 and 21. A relaxing Bible reading focused on prayer and thanksgiving for victory.
Bible translation from the Open English Bible, available at https://openenglishbible.org/oeb/2020.2/read/b019.html.
You can find more peaceful relaxation scripts for sleep, stress relief, and health at