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Relaxation Audio with Candi

Sep 28, 2022

Biblical meditation on Psalm 22. This relaxing Bible reading of Psalm 22 follows this Psalm’s path from despair to hope.

Bible translation from the Open English Bible, available at   

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Aug 29, 2022

This relaxation script is a white noise river meditation for falling asleep. In this one hour long sleep story visualization, imagine various items floating by in a peaceful river as you watch and relax.

You can find more peaceful relaxation scripts for sleep, stress relief, and health at

Jul 25, 2022

Biblical meditation on Psalm 20 and 21. A relaxing Bible reading focused on prayer and thanksgiving for victory.

Bible translation from the Open English Bible, available at  

You can find more peaceful relaxation scripts for sleep, stress relief, and health at

Jun 27, 2022

Achieve deep relaxation with this long passive progressive muscle relaxation audio. Passive PMR involves relaxing muscles throughout your body by thinking about releasing tension. Take your time to relax slowly until you are deeply relaxed. There is no tightening of muscles; with passive PMR, you simply lie still...

Jun 13, 2022

Today’s relaxation exercise is listening to a reading from the Bible. Bible reading is a way to spend time with God, meditating on God’s word. Join me as I read the Letter of James. The translation is from the Open English Bible, available at

This episode is all Bible reading. Immerse...